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What is Wajib Qurbani?
Five types of animals, such as camels, buffalo, cattle, sheep and goats, that meet the conditions and reasons for sacrifice on the tenth, eleventh and twelfth days and eleventh and twelfth nights of the month of Dhul-Hijjah and are slaughtered with the intention of worship and closeness to Allah are called sacrifice. By performing an obligatory sacrifice, a religious obligation is fulfilled and it is an expression of gratitude to Hz. Allah. At the same time, the feelings of sharing and helping each other are reinforced.
For Whom is Sacrifice Wajib?
Wajib qurbani is a type of sacrifice that must be performed by people who meet certain conditions. It is wajib for every Muslim who has nisab amount of wealth in addition to his essential and basic needs and debts to perform an sacrifice once a year, on one of the days of Eid al-Adha. It is better to perform the sacrifice on the first day.
The essential and necessary needs are as follows: His house, sufficient furniture for his house, his mount (horse or car), three types of clothing - namely, his work clothes, his daily clothes, his clothes for holidays and similar days - are his monthly maintenance and those whose maintenance is obligatory on him. Those who have more than 80.18 grams of gold or something of the same value are obligatory to give alms (fitrah) and to sacrifice on the days of sacrifice.
It is recommended for a free, settled and nisab Muslim to sacrifice for his young children. This is the case in Zahiru’r-Rivaya. The fatwa is based on this. According to the narration of Imam Hasan bin Ziyad from Imam-i Azam, it is obligatory for this person to sacrifice for his young child.
According to Imam-i Azam and Imam Abu Yusuf, it is not necessary to be sane and mature in order to be obliged to sacrifice. The fathers or guardians of the insane and the child who has not yet reached the age of puberty sacrifice and feed them from their property. They can exchange the remaining food for something that can be used for them (such as clothes). However, according to Imam Muhammad, it is necessary to be sane and mature in order to be obliged to sacrifice.
When is the Obligatory Sacrifice Performed?
On the days when sacrifice is performed (on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd day of Eid al-Adha and on the 4th day in the Shafi'i School, including until the evening), it is obligatory for a wealthy person (i.e., one who has the nisab) to sacrifice.
Which Animals Can Be Slaughtered as Sacrifice?
Animals that are permissible to sacrifice are; sheep, goats, cattle, buffalo and camel. The animal to be sacrificed must be healthy, flawless and of a certain age.
-Sheep and goats that have turned one and turned two years old, cattle and buffalo that have turned two and turned three years old, and camels that have turned five and turned six years old can be sacrificed. However, if the lamb is large and cannot be distinguished from a one-year-old sheep and has completed six months, it can be sacrificed. The sacrifice must not be wild.
-A cow, a buffalo or a camel can be sacrificed for a maximum of seven people. In other words, seven people can sacrifice a cow or a camel jointly. The partners can be less than seven people, single or in pairs.
-A sheep or a goat can be sacrificed for only one person. If a person wishes, he can also sacrifice two sheep. Because, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) used to sacrifice two rams every year. They sacrificed a hundred camels during the Farewell Pilgrimage.
-The partners; When sacrificing a cow, ox, camel or buffalo, it is recommended that they all take the sacrifice together or give power of attorney to one of them.
-All partners must be Muslims, intend to worship, earn rewards and sacrifice themselves, and their shares must be equal. A partner's share must not be less than 1/7 of the total price of the sacrifice.
-Even if some of the partners intend to make a mandatory sacrifice and others intend to make a circumcised, voluntary, nazir (votive) or aqiqah sacrifice, or if some of the partners are dead, or have become senile or old.Is it Permissible to Slaughter a Sacrifice by Proxy?
Proxy refers to the authority to act on behalf of a person. Proxy of sacrifice is the authorization of another person to slaughter their sacrifice. People who want to slaughter a sacrifice on Eid al-Adha can have another person slaughter a sacrifice by giving power of attorney.
It is not necessary for the proxy to be given at the time the sacrifice is to be slaughtered; the proxy can be given at any time before the sacrifice is slaughtered. The person to whom the proxy is given performs the sacrifice and can distribute the meat of the sacrifice to those in need. In this way, the person for whom the sacrifice is obligatory has fulfilled the obligation of sacrifice.
How is the Meat of the Sacrifice Shared?
It is recommended to divide the meat of the sacrifice into three, as indicated by the Hadith of our Prophet (pbuh):
-One third is given as alms.
-One third is given as a gift to relatives and friends or given as a feast.
-One third is given to those whose livelihood is obligatory upon them.
It is permissible to give a part of the meat of the sacrifice as a gift or to donate the whole meat.
If the person who sacrifices is in need, it is better and recommended to feed the sacrifice to the people of his household.
If a person does not sacrifice his sacrifice on time and gives its value as charity, he is not fulfilling the obligation of sacrifice. -Those who are rich do not sacrifice and do not wait for the time to sacrifice.