- Topics
1. What is Miraj Night?
2. When is Miraj Night?
3. What is the significance of Miraj Night?
4. What acts of worship are recommended on Miraj Night?
5. Fasting on Miraj Night
6. What gifts were given to the Ummah on Miraj Night?
7. The virtue of charity and kindness on Miraj Night
8. Can I perform charity and kindness on Miraj Night with Qurban.uk?
9. Latest Articles
10. Quick Donation Form
What is Miraj Night?
Rasūlullāh (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) was taken with Buraq from Masjid al-Harām to Masjid al-Aqsā on the 27th night of Rajab, one and a half years before the Hijrah. Then, with the Mī‘raj (a heavenly staircase), he was taken from the Sahra (the holy rock in Masjid al-Aqsā) to the heaven. He met with the prophets in each heaven. After greeting and conversing with them, he reached Sidrah al-Muntaha. From there, he got on Rafraf and was blessed with the divine presence. He was shown many wonders from Allāh Ta‘ālā’s kingdom. This miraculous event is commemorated as Miraj Night or the Night of Miraj.
Rasūlullāh (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “In the month of Rajab, there is a day and night, whoever fasts on that day and worships during that night, it is as if they have fasted for a hundred years and worshipped for a hundred years at night. That is the 27th night (Miraj Night).”
(Bayhaqī, Shu‘ab al-‘Īmān)
When is Miraj Night? When is it in 2025?
The 27th night of the seventh Hijri month, Rajab, is Miraj Night.
Since the Gregorian and Hijri calendars differ, this sacred night falls on a different Gregorian date each year.
In 2025, the question arises as to which day corresponds to Miraj Night. According to the Hijri calendar, a day begins the previous evening; thus, the night connecting January 26 to January 27 will be observed as Miraj Night. May Allāh grant us the ability to benefit spiritually and materially from this blessed night.

What is the significance of Miraj Night?
Miraj Night is one of the most spiritually significant nights in the Islamic calendar. It is a night of mercy and blessings, when believers turn to Allāh, seeking forgiveness and spiritual elevation. According to Hadith, this night is a time when the doors of divine mercy are opened, and worship and supplication are rewarded manifold. Additionally, Miraj is one of the greatest miracles of Rasūlullāh (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam). When he informed the Quraysh about this miraculous journey, they reacted with astonishment and denial. Some clapped their hands mockingly, while others held their heads in disbelief. Among the believers, some abandoned their faith. However, when the incident was recounted to Hazrat Abū Bakr (raḍiyallāhu ‘anhu), he responded with unwavering faith, saying: “If he said it, it is true.” This steadfastness earned him the title "Siddīq."
What acts of worship are recommended on Miraj Night?
Miraj Night is a spiritually blessed night where rewards for worship are multiplied. Past scholars have recommended specific acts of worship on this night to draw closer to Allāh and attain His pleasure.
On Miraj Night, after Isha prayer, a 12-unit (rak‘ah) Hājat prayer is performed. This prayer is performed with salām after every two rak‘ahs. In each rak‘ah, Surah al-Fātiḥah is recited followed by Surah al-Ikhlās 10 times. The intention for the prayer is:
“O Allāh! I intend to perform this prayer for Your pleasure. On this night, in which You honored Your beloved Prophet with the miraculous journey, grant me Your forgiveness, Your divine blessings, and Your pleasure.” Allāhu Akbar. After the prayer, the following are recited:
- Surah al-Fātiḥah
- 100 times, “Subḥānallāhi wa’l-ḥamdu lillāhi wa lā ilāha illallāh wa Allāhu Akbar, wa lā ḥawla wa lā quwwata illa billāhi’l-‘Aliyyi’l-‘Aẓīm.”
- 100 times Istighfār (seeking forgiveness),
- 100 times Ṣalawāt (sending blessings upon the Prophet), followed by supplication.
In another tradition, it is recommended to perform 100 rak‘ahs of prayer with 10 recitations of Surah al-Ikhlās in each rak‘ah. Those who perform this will not leave the presence of Allāh indebted for any prayer obligation.
It is also encouraged to fast on the day following Miraj Night. A Hadith states that fasting on this day earns the reward of fasting for sixty months.
Between Dhuhr and Asr on the day following Miraj Night, it is recommended to perform a 4-unit (rak‘ah) prayer: In each rak‘ah, recite:
- Surah al-Fātiḥah,
- 5 times Ayat al-Kursi,
- 5 times Surah al-Kāfirūn,
- 5 times Surah al-Ikhlās,
- 5 times Surah al-Falaq,
- 5 times Surah al-Nās.
May Allāh accept all our prayers and acts of worship.

Fasting on Miraj Night?
Miraj Night falls in the sacred month of Rajab, and fasting during this month is highly recommended as it is the "Month of Allāh." According to a Hadith, fasting on the 27th day of Rajab earns the reward of fasting for sixty months. Observing the fast and spending the night in worship is greatly virtuous. This act also aids in spiritual preparation for worship during the night. It is recommended to spend this blessed day in remembrance, prayer, and acts of charity. May Allāh grant us abundant spiritual benefit from this sacred night.
What gifts were given to the Ummah on Miraj Night?
On Miraj Night, when Rasūlullāh (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) reached the divine presence of Allāh, he praised Allāh with the tashahhud:
“Attaḥiyyātu lillāhi waṣ-ṣalawātu wa’ṭ-ṭayyibāt.”
Allāh Ta‘ālā responded:
“Assalāmu ‘alayka ayyuhan-Nabiyyu wa raḥmatullāhi wa barakātuhū.”
Out of his immense compassion for his Ummah, Rasūlullāh (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) included them, saying:
“Assalāmu ‘alaynā wa alā ‘ibādillāhi’s-ṣāliḥīn.”
On this night, the five daily prayers were made obligatory. Initially, fifty prayers were prescribed, but upon the intercession of Rasūlullāh (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam), they were reduced to five, with the reward of fifty prayers remaining intact.
Another gift bestowed upon the Ummah on this night is the last two verses of Surah al-Baqarah, known as ‘Āmanna Rasūlū.’ These verses hold immense spiritual value and are recited daily after Isha prayer.
The virtue of charity and kindness on Miraj Night
Miraj Night is a sacred occasion where acts of worship and charity are rewarded manifold. It is highly recommended to engage in acts of charity, especially providing meals for those in need, such as fasting individuals, on this blessed night and the day following it.
Particularly, feeding the fasting individuals and helping the poor on this night is considered much more virtuous than at other times.Prophetic traditions emphasize the immense reward of providing meals, charity, and kindness, especially to fasting individuals. Feeding orphans, those in need, and students of sacred knowledge (ṭullāb al-‘ilm) on such blessed nights not only benefits them but also ensures their heartfelt prayers for the donor, which are rarely rejected by Allāh.
Performing acts of kindness during the blessed months and nights such as Rajab and Miraj Night allows one to reap spiritual and material rewards abundantly. It is a valuable opportunity to strengthen our relationship with Allāh and earn His pleasure.
Miraj Night serves as a perfect opportunity to engage in acts of charity that yield rewards multiplied many times over, making it a night not to be missed.
Can I perform charity and kindness on Miraj Night with Qurban.uk?
Qurban.uk enables you to deliver meals and charity to orphans, students, and those in need worldwide throughout the year. During Ramadan, special iftar meals are prepared, and on blessed occasions like Miraj Night, we ensure your charity reaches those who need it most, bringing smiles to their faces.
On significant nights such as Miraj Night, Ashura, and Mawlid Night, we organize meals and distribute them in regions such as Africa and Central Asia, allowing our donors to gain the immense spiritual rewards of these nights.
Personalized videos are prepared for donors, showing the impact of their contributions and enabling them to witness the joy their charity brings. If you would like to provide meals for orphans and students in Africa or Asia on Miraj Night, you can reach us via WhatsApp at:
or use the donation form on our website to make your contribution.